Airtel recently introduced a new Rs. 666 prepaid recharge plan in India, which was silently brought in after the telecom operator completely revised its prepaid mobile tariffs in the country. The new prepaid recharge plan offers users 1.5GB of high-speed data on a daily basis, along with unlimited voice calls. While the validity is shorter than the older Rs. 598 plan (which now costs Rs. 719) this plan appears to be aimed at customers with a budget under Rs 700.
Initially spotted by TelecomTalk, the Rs. 666 plan was silently introduced after the prepaid mobile tariffs were hiked, and offers users 100 SMS messages every day, along with 1.5GB of high-speed daily data. Airtel subscribers will also have access to unlimited voice calls as part of the prepaid recharge plan, which has a validity of 77 days. After subscribers reach the high-speed daily data limit, browsing speeds will be capped at 64kbps.
After the tariff hike, the operator’s Rs. 598 plan which offered the same benefits was updated to Rs. 719, for an 84-day period. Meanwhile, the cheaper Rs. 549 plan offers 2GB of high-speed daily data and 100 SMS per day, for a 56-day period. Customers will also gain access to Airtel Thanks benefits such as a one-month trial to Amazon Prime Video Mobile Edition, Apollo 24/7 Circle for three months, access to Shaw Academy, and cashback on FASTag transactions, along with Wynk Music and free Hello Tunes.
Competitor Vi also recently launched a similar plan which costs Rs. 666 and offers the same data, SMS messages, and voice benefits for a 77-day period. It is worth noting that Vi also offers data benefits such as Binge All Night, Weekend Data Rollover, and Data Delights.
Meanwhile, Jio offers users the same data, SMS messages, and voice benefits as Airtel and Vi, with an 84-day validity. This means that the Rs. 666 prepaid recharge plan for Jio can be compared with the Rs. 719 plans from Vi and Airtel. Jio subscribers who opt for the Rs. 666 plan will also get access to JioTV, JioCinema, JioSecurity, and JioCloud.
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