Apple Watch Series Pro computer-aided design (CAD) renders have been shared online ahead of their expected launch on Wednesday, tipping the design of the rumoured smartwatch. As per the purported renders, the Watch Pro could feature display with very slim bezels. The most notable feature appears to be the two buttons bulging from the right side of the smartwatch. The renders show a pill-shaped button below a rotating crown. Additionally, a tipster has also shared an alleged image of the Apple Watch Pro casing, suggesting the same pill-shaped button on the right side.
According to a report by 91Mobiles, the Apple Watch Pro CAD renders were generated based on industry sources, and tip the design features of the rumoured smartwatch. The renders suggest that the Apple Watch Pro could feature a large display with thin bezels. The watch also appears with a rotating crown protruding from the right side, placed next to a pill-shaped button, and a microphone hole.
The alleged CAD renders also show a flushed button on the left side, next to a speaker grille, as per the report. The purpose of the button is unclear at the moment. As per the report, the Apple Watch Pro model might also launch with some exclusive straps. The Cupertino-based tech giant is yet to officially confirm the Apple Watch Pro name.
Tipster Uncle Pan has also shared a purported image of Apple Watch Pro’s casing via the Chinese microblogging site Weibo. The image suggests similar button placement and shapes for the smartwatch as the above mentioned report. The cases appear with four differently sized cutouts, on both sides. The watch case also appears in five different colours, alongside a transparent option.
To recall, Apple is set to host the ‘Far Out’ event on September 7. The company is expected to launch a range of products during the event, including the Apple Watch Series 8 and Apple Watch Pro. It will reportedly sport satellite communication feature and a 47mm flat display.
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