Apple’s basic Watch design has remained largely unchanged since its 2015 debut, but that’s about to change. The company has introduced the Apple Watch Series 7 with a new (if long-rumored), more seamless design with larger 41mm and 45mm cases, including larger, brighter and more durable screens to match. There’s also a wider variety of aluminum colors. Green, anyone? The update takes advantage of the bigger displays, with more information and new watch faces.
As for durability? Series 7 is the first Apple Watch with a dust resistance rating (IP6X), making it better-suited to mountain climbing or the beach. The screen itself is more crack-resistant, so you might not panic quite so much after a fall you can also check Apple Watch Users Manuals
The updates aren’t quite so aggressive under the hood. You can anticipate fast charging and fall detection during workouts. Most of the updates come through watchOS 8, which now includes detection of cycling workouts, better tracking for e-bikes and help if you fall off. You’ll also get a full swipe-based keyboard, support for more workouts (Pilates and Tai Chi) and respiratory rate tracking while you sleep.
Apple releases Watch Series 7 this fall starting at $399. The Apple Watch SE and Watch Series 3 will hang around at respective prices of $299 and $199.
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