Fossil Gen 6 has officially launched in India as the first smartwatch powered by the Snapdragon Wear 4100+ platform. The Gen 6 runs WearOS and has received several upgrades that make it powerful and faster. The company is making the Gen 6 available in India at the same time as global availability which is a first.
“We are excited by the new capabilities Gen 6 is bringing to our users. Faster interface, less time to charge and upgraded health and wellness features are only a few of the benefits Gen 6 will see as our teams continue to innovate and evolve our smartwatch portfolio,” says Steve Evans, Fossil Group EVP Chief Brand Officer.
Fossil Gen 6 pricing and availability
Fossil Gen 6 is priced starting at Rs 23,995 and will be available in two case sizes of 44mm and 42mm.
The Fossil Gen 6 goes on sale from September 27 in India and will be available on, and in select retail stores.
Fossil is also accepting pre-orders for the Gen 6 on starting from September 25.
Fossil Gen 6 specs and features
The Fossil Gen 6 features a 1.28-inch AMOLED display with 416×416 pixels resolution and supports always-on funcationality. The Snapdragon Wear 4100+ makes it upto 85% faster than the previous-gen and has 1GB RAM with 8GB storage. There is a speaker unit and a microphone to make and receive calls on the watch. The watch is also 3ATM water resistant and Fossil claims over 24 hours of battery life on mixed usage.
The Gen 6 is equipped with a slew of health sensors including a SpO2 blood oxygen saturation monitor, heart rate sensor and can also monitor sleeping patterns.
The smartwatch has three buttons on the side where the middle one is a rotating crown to control navigation. The Gen 6 supports WiFi, Bluetooth 5 LE, GPS, NFC and Google Pay.
Fossil Gen 6 will be available in four colours for 44mm cases and three colours for 42mm cases. It is also upgradeable to Wear OS 3 which will launch at a later date.
Fossil Gen 6
Fossil Gen 6 launch
Fossil Gen 6 India launch
Fossil Gen 6 release date
Fossil Gen 6 specs
Fossil Gen 6 features
Fossil India
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