Apple’s iOS 15 has been launched, and it brings with it a host of great features that should enhance your user experience. The tech giant has tweaked the way FaceTime looks and operates, changed the notification bar and even added a new feature called Live Text in the camera. Additionally, it has also rolled out a few features that are geared towards Apple users in India.
New Apple iOS 15 Features in India
Some of the new Apple iOS 15 features made for India include:
Notifications in Messages
Users can now customise the notification setting for the Apple Messages app. You can disable notifications from unknown numbers, as well as those related to promotional messages and transactional updates.
UPI app selection when using the camera
If you’re scanning a UPI QR code through your Apple iPhone’s camera, the smartphone will allow you to choose from your 10 most-used UPI apps so that you can instantly make the payment.
Siri to understand mixed language
An update that’s surely going to benefit most Indians using an Apple iPhone is Siri now supporting mixed-language messages. This means that if your English sentence contains a few words from your mother tongue, Siri will still understand what you’re saying. With this update, the app supports Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, and Punjabi.
Smart Replies Support for 10 languages
The Smart Replies feature has been updated to understand 10 different Indian languages. These include Urdu, Bangla, Tamil, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Odiya.
Temporary iCloud Storage during data transfers
The iOS 15 offers temporary iCloud storage during data transfers – you can access as much storage as you need while transferring data from your old phone to your new one. Your data will be stored for three weeks.
Apple Maps
Apple Maps in India will also feature data on the Air Quality – a feature that, unfortunately, is the need of the hour.
Keep an eye on our website for an official review of the new Apple iOS 15!
Also Read: Apple iPhone 13 series, iPad 2021, iPad mini 2021 India pricing and availability detailed
Video Source: Apple
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Apple iOS 15
iOS 15 India features
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iOS 15 features
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iOS 15 UPI feature
iOS 15 Camera UPI
iOS 15 languages
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