Aadhar is a 12-digit unique number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) which also includes the biometric details such as iris scan and fingerprint, and demographic information of a citizen of India.
Aadhar cards contain a photograph of the citizen that it belongs to and can be updated as well. One might want to get their photograph updated on their Aadhar card because they might not look the same since they got their Aadhaar card made.
While information like address and phone number of the Aadhaar card can be updated online, one needs to go to an Aadhaar Enrolment Centre to get the photograph in their Aadhaar card updated.
Follow these steps to change your photograph in your Aadhaar card:
Download the Aadhaar Enrollment Form from UIDAI’s official website.
Print out the Aadhaar Enrolment Form and fill up the necessary details.
Find the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre/ Aadhaar Sewa Kendra using this official website.
Submit your application to the Aadhaar Enrollment executive.
Your details will be confirmed using biometric by the executive.
Your new photograph will be taken by the executive at the Aadhaar Enrollment Centre/ Aadhaar Sewa Kendra.
You will be required to pay a fee of Rs 25 along with GST to avail the photo change service.
You will be given an acknowledgement slip with the update request number (URN) by the executive.
You can use the URN number to check the status of your Aadhaar card updation online on the UIDAI’s official website.
After the photograph has been successfully updated you can download the new copy or order a physical card from the UIDAI’s portal.
Article by- Aaditya Surya Vedantam
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