HP has launched the new HP Omen 16 gaming laptop in India. The new device features a 16.1-inch screen with 16:9 aspect ratio suited for both casual and seasoned gamers. With a weight of 2.3 kg, the company claims that it is one of the lightest gaming laptops available in the market. The HP Omen 16 laptop price in India starts at Rs 1,39,999 and it is already available for purchase at HP world stores, HP online store and other retail and online stores. The laptop was launched in the US earlier this year.
HP Omen 16 gaming laptop specifications
As mentioned earlier, the HP Omen 16 features a 16.1-inch IPS display with 2560×1440 pixels resolution. The display has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and refresh rate of 165Hz. Under the hood, the laptop is powered by 11th Gen Intel Core i7-11800H processor paired with up to 16GB of DDR4 3200MHz RAM and up to 1TB PCIe Gen 4×4 SSD storage. As per the company, the storage on the device delivers up to two times storage access speed over traditional SSDs.
When it comes to graphics, it gets the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series with 8GB of dedicated graphics memory. According to the company, the Omen 16 yields improved framerates with support from thermals with improved fan and wind-pipe technology. To enable a smooth gameplay experience, it runs all games at 1080p and 60fps.
As per HP, the new device boasts an upgraded new fan design that is 2.5X slimmer and has twice the number of fan blades as the previous generation, significantly increasing thermal efficiency. The gaming device packs a 83Whr battery that is claimed to deliver up to nine hours of usage on a single charge.
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