Netflix recently revised its subscription plans in India, reducing the prices by as much as 60 per cent for its existing customers while attracting potential new subscribers. The Netflix Mobile plan, which was previously available at Rs 199, now costs Rs 149. Meanwhile, the Basic plan is down to Rs 199 from Rs 499, receiving a massive 60 per cent price cut. The Standard and Premium plans are now available at Rs 499 and Rs 649, respectively, down from Rs 649 and Rs 799. These new prices will be applicable to old and new subscribers joining Netflix. If you’re wondering now which Netflix plan you should choose and how you can change your existing plan, we are here to help you.
Netflix subscription plans: price in India, benefits
Mobile | 1 screen/ SD | Rs 199 | Rs 149 |
Basic | 1 screen/ SD | Rs 499 | Rs 199 |
Standard | 2 screens/ FHD | Rs 649 | Rs 499 |
Premium | 4 screens/ UHD | Rs 799 | Rs 649 |
Netflix says that the existing subscribers will be upgraded to the higher plan available for the same price. Subscribers will get a notification whenever they log in next to confirm the upgrade or choose a different plan. But, what if you want to change the plan at a later date. Here’s how you can change your Netflix plan whenever you want.
Choosing the right Netflix plan for you
Netflix offers four subscription plans to choose from – Mobile, Basic, Standard, and Premium. These plans differ in terms of price, resolution, and the number of devices you can use to watch. Depending on these factors, you can pick the right Netflix plan for you.
Mobile plan: The Netflix Mobile plan lets you stream on one screen at a time on a mobile phone or tablet. You will not be able to watch Netflix on TV using this plan and the resolution is capped at 480p.
Basic plan: The Netflix Basic plan has seen the biggest price drop among all the plans, making it extremely attractive for users who were previously on the Mobile-only plan. Now, users will be able to stream on a mobile, laptop, and TV with the Basic. Under this plan, you will be able to stream on only one device at a time and the resolution is capped at 480p.
Standard plan: The Netflix Standard plan lets you stream at a higher resolution of 1080p and it lets you simultaneously stream on two devices. This is ideal if you have a partner or someone you share your Netflix account with.
Premium plan: This is the top-tier Netflix plan that is now available at Rs 649 instead of Rs 799. This plan allows you to stream up to 4K resolution and on up to 4 devices simultaneously.
How to change your Netflix plan
Netflix customers who were previously on the Mobile, Basic, and Standard plan will be automatically upgraded to the Basic, Standard, and Premium plan, respectively. However, you may want to manually switch to a different plan. For example, if you are using the Basic plan and you find the Premium more attractive now after the price cut, you will have to manually make the switch.
Changing your Netflix plan is quite easy. You can either upgrade or downgrade your Netflix plan whenever you want. Here is your step-by-step guide on how to change your Netflix plan.
- First, sign in to your Netflix account through a web browser or Android app.
- Now, visit the account page.
- Then, select ‘Change Plan’ under the ‘Plan Details’ tab.
- Choose the preferred plan, then select ‘Continue” or ‘Update”.
You can select between Mobile, Basic, Standard or Premium plans. - Lastly, select ‘Confirm Change’ to confirm the changes.
The Netflix plan upgrade takes effect immediately. However, the plan downgrade takes effect on the next billing cycle. For example, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of the upgraded plan effective immediately, and your billing cycle will be changed based on the remaining amount. Meanwhile, you will be charged for the new plan from the next billing cycle if you downgrade your plan.
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