Oppo Watch 2 will be unveiled on July 27, the company has confirmed. The smartwatch will be the successor to the original Oppo Watch that launched in India in July last year after debuting in China in March. The Oppo Watch 2 has already been listed on a Chinese e-retailer website showing the design and some of its specifications. It will likely be offered in multiple sizes as suggested by the official teaser that mentions Oppo Watch 2 series. A report by a Chinese publication has also shared some other specifications for the smartwatch and it hints at Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC.
Oppo took to Weibo to announce that the Oppo Watch 2 will be unveiled on July 27 at 3pm local time (12:30pm IST) in China. The post says Oppo Watch 2 series, which suggests that it will be offered in multiple sizes like with the original Oppo Watch. It is also possible that the company may bring different variants/ versions of the Oppo Watch 2. As of now, it is unclear when the smartwatch will make its way to India as it took the original Oppo Watch about four months to arrive in the country.
Ahead of its official launch, the Oppo Watch 2 has also been listed on JD.com. The listing shows a rectangular dial with two buttons on the right side. A curved display can be seen along with blue, black, and orange coloured straps. The smartwatch is listed to feature heart rate monitoring and e-SIM support, and it is expected to come with the Apollo4s chip that has been developed by Oppo and Ambiq. Oppo Watch 2 will be IPX5 certified, have over 50 sports modes, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and built-in GPS for connectivity.
As per a report by ITHome, the Oppo Watch 2 will be powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC and come with up to 16GB storage. If this turns out to be true, the Oppo Watch 2 will be among the very few smartwatch models to run Qualcomm’s latest SoC for wearables. The report also states that the Apollo4s chip (Apollo4 family) will be used in combination with the Snapdragon Wear 4100 and given that the Apollo4 chip is an ultra-low power SoC, it will likely be for improved battery life as the smartwatch will not have to use the more power-hungry Snapdragon Wear 4100 SoC all the time.
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