WhatsApp has announced a range of new features for voice messages. The Facebook-owned platform claims that these new features will make it easier for users to communicate with their friends and family. Some of these were already available to beta testers on Android and iOS platforms. The six new features were announced by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a social media post. Wonder what these features are, read on for details:
Pause and resume voice message recording
WhatsApp users can now pause and resume voice messages while recording them. Users will be able to see a new pause option when they start to record a voice message in handsfree mode. Till now, users had to re-record a voice message in case of any disruption. The feature will also be helpful while recording long voice messages.
Play voice message outside the chat
WhatsApp users can now listen to a voice note even after leaving the conversation or while using another app. This feature helps to save time as users can reply in another chat while listening to voice notes. Before the feature, users had to stay on a chat to listen to the voice note received.
Waveform design voice messages
WhatsApp users will now be able to see a visual representation of the sound of the voice message. As per the company, the design will help users to follow the recording. WhatsApp introduced a similar waveform design for voice calls as well.
Listen to voice message recording before sending
WhatsApp users can now listen to their own recorded voice messages before sending them. Until now, users only had the option to directly record and send the voice message without hearing it first. The feature will work alongside the new pause and resume feature for voice message recording.
Resume voice message from where you left
WhatsApp users need not listen to a voice message in one go now. They can pause a voice message and resume listening from where they left. This feature will be helpful for listening to longer voice messages.
Fast playback on voice messages
WhatsApp now offers users the option to play voice messages at 1.5x or 2x speeds and listen to them faster. A new 1x speed button can now be seen near the voice message player. You can tap on the new button to change the playback speed of any voice message.
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