Portronics Sound Slick III soundbar was launched in India on Wednesday. The new soundbar has a total output of 80W with ‘3D-like’ surround sound that is delivered through its two driver units. Portronics Sound Slick III gets Bluetooth v5 connectivity as well as a USB port that can read MP3 and WMA files. Other connectivity options include HDMI ARC, 3.5mm headphone jack, and an optical port. Portronics Sound Slick III soundbar is said to be a portable offering that makes it easy to carry.
Portronics Sound Slick III price in India, availability
Portronics Sound Slick III soundbar is priced at Rs. 4,199. It is available to purchase via the official store, Amazon, Flipkart, and other online and offline stores. However, at the time of writing, Amazon has it listed for Rs. 4,179 while on Flipkart it was listed for Rs. 4,499. Portronics is offering the soundbar in a sole Black colour option. It is also offered with 12 months of warranty.
Portronics Sound Slick III specifications, features
The newly launched Portronics Sound Slick III soundbar features two drivers that produce up to 80W of total sound output and are claimed to recreate a ‘3D-like’ surround sound. Using Bluetooth v5, users can connect the soundbar to any compatible TV, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, which gives the Portronics Sound Slick III a range of up to 10m. Alternatively, users can also connect the soundbar via its USB port that supports MP3 or WMA file formats. Other connectivity options include an HDMI ARC port, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and an optical input port.
The soundbar also gets a remote control that has controls for volume, mode switching, and music playback. Portronics claims that it has reduced the usage of wires making Sound Slick III portable and easy to use. The soundbar from the Indian audio manufacturer measures 674x144x100mm and weighs around 1.85 kilograms.
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