Realme GT Pro 2, which has been making headlines for the past couple of days, has now been confirmed to get the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Mobile Platform from Qualcomm. The Realme GT 2 Pro launch is expected in Q1 2022 and it will be the company’s most premium device yet. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 was announced at the Qualcomm Snapdragon Tech Summit on Wednesday and it is set to power flagship Android phones from Realme, OPPO, OnePlus, iQOO, Xiaomi, and more. The new chipset is based on the 4nm fabrication process and is set to be an increment in terms of performance and 5G connectivity. We recently revealed the Realme GT 2 Pro price, specs, and design language.
Realme GT 2 Pro with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 confirmed
The upcoming Realme GT 2 Pro has been officially confirmed to become one of the first devices to utilise the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC as it debuts in the Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021. The Realme GT 2 Pro was recently spotted on the AnTuTu benchmark where it registered a score of over 1 million. Furthermore, the device was also spotted listed on the IMEI website, which suggests an imminent launch.
The Realme GT 2 Pro will be powered by Qualcomm’s latest and greatest Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Mobile Platform which is fabricated on the newer 4nm process and will go up against the likes of the Dimensity 9000 chipset from MediaTek. The new Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Mobile Platform promises to improve on the performance over the current Snapdragon 888+ and it is the world’s first 5G modem-RF solution to reach 10 Gigabit download speeds.
We recently revealed the Realme GT 2 Pro specifications as well as its expected price and design. The render we shared shows a unique design on the back that sees a horizontal camera module that gives the device a Nexus 6P-like look. In addition to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip, the phone will also feature a 6.8-inch WQHD+ OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and a 50MP triple rear camera system. Realme GT 2 Pro price is expected to be around USD 799 (approx Rs 60,000).
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