Realme Watch 3 smartwatch will go on sale in India for the first time today at 12pm IST. The new budget wearable by Realme was launched in the country last week alongside Realme Buds Air 3 Neo and Buds Wireless 2S earphones. The Realme Watch 3 features a 1.8-inch touch screen display and offers more than 110 sports modes. The smartwatch will be available to purchase via the Realme India website and Flipkart. It has a blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) monitor and is claimed to have a battery life of up to 7 days when in use. It is certified to be dust- and water-resistant with an IP68 rating.
Realme Watch 3 price in India, launch offers
Price of the Realme Watch 3 in India has been set at Rs. 3,499, but the watch will be available at an introductory price of Rs. 2,999. The new wearable can be purchased in Black and Grey colours. As mentioned, it will be available for purchase starting today at 12pm IST via the company website, Flipkart and other offline retail channels in the country.
Flipkart is providing cashback of 5 percent on purchases of Realme Watch 3 using Flipkart Axis Bank cards.
Realme Watch 3 specifications and features
The Realme Watch 3 smartwatch has a rectangular dial and a 1.8-inch TFT-LCD touch screen with a resolution of 240×286 pixels and 500 nits of peak brightness. The wearable sports a side-mounted button for navigation and offers more than 110 watch faces that can be customised via the companion app in the paired Android or iOS smartphone.
It has Bluetooth calling support and works on an AI-based noise cancellation algorithm. The Realme Watch 3 supports more than 110 fitness modes. It sports SpO2 monitoring, and heart rate tracking alongside stress, step, and sleep tracking.
As mentioned, Realme Watch 3 smartwatch has an IP68 build and there is Bluetooth 5.3 for connectivity. It has a 340mAh battery with a claimed battery life of up to seven days on a single charge.
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