Earlier this year, Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 11 Pro and Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G smartphones in India. Now the company is reportedly planning to expand the Redmi Note 11 lineup in China with the launch of Redmi Note 11T and Redmi Note 11T Pro smartphones. President of Xiaomi China and International, and General Manager of the Redmi brand, Lu Weibing, has teased the smartphone on his Weibo account.
The company also teased the smartphone recently through a poster. Reports suggest that the devices will be first to feature several performance acceleration technologies. If reports are to be believed, the Redmi Note 11T Pro will feature an LCD display panel that will support a peak refresh rate of 144Hz.
Under the hood, the smartphone is said to be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 8000 chipset, a first in any Redmi device. For those who are unaware, the MediaTek Dimensity 8000 SoC is manufactured by using the 5nm process of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. The chipset comes with four Cortex-A78 cores and four Cortex-A55 cores.
As per the report, the Redmi Note 11T may be backed by a 4,980mAh battery with support for 67W fast charging. On the other hand, the Redmi Note 11T Pro is rumoured to be backed by a 4,300mAh battery with support for 120W fast charging.
The smartphone will be launched in China first and the company has not revealed any plans about launching the smartphones in India yet but keeping the popularity of Redmi Note series in mind, it is expected that we may see the smartphones in the India market soon.
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