There is still some time before Samsung unveils its next smartwatch series – the Galaxy Watch 5. The Galaxy Watch 5 series is expected to be unveiled in Q3 2022 alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4. Rumours suggest that two Galaxy Watch 5 models – Galaxy Watch 5 and Galaxy Watch 5 Pro – are launching this year. Now, three Samsung smartwatches in the FCC documents with model numbers SM-R900, SM-R910 and SM-R920 reveal that the upcoming smartwatches would come with a 10W charger.
The SM-R900 and SM-910 are the Galaxy Watch 5 40mm and 44mm models, while the SM-R920 is the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro. The FCC documents reveal that the wireless charger used to charge the Galaxy Watch 5 series was rated at 10W (5V, 2A). Does that mean Galaxy Watch 5 series would charge faster than Galaxy Watch 4? Yes, it should charge faster compared to previous models, but the 10W is the input rating, and the charger could still be limited to a 5W output. So, if you get a 10W wireless charger, you might be able to charge it quickly.
The FCC document further suggests that the Galaxy Watch 5 series would support Bluetooth, WiFi 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The Galaxy Watch 5 series is expected to come with NFC support, but it might not be available in every model.
Earlier rumours have suggested that the Galaxy Watch 5 40mm and 44mm would have 276mAh and 397mAh battery capacity, respectively. Meanwhile, the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro is said to have an even larger battery than the 44mm version rated at 572mAh.
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