Indian vaccine maker Bharat Biotech said on Friday the Russia-Ukraine conflict had not impacted the company's supply chains so far.Unlike several Western…
tech2 News StaffAug 02, 2021 08:07:43 ISTAfter releasing the results from Phase 2 human trials of its COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin in India, Bharat Biotech has!-->!-->!--post-info-->…
tech2 News StaffJun 16, 2021 19:33:45 ISTThe Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Bharat Biotech have clarified that the COVAXIN COVID-19 vaccine is not!-->!-->!--post-info-->…
tech2 News StaffJun 07, 2021 19:11:23 ISTIndian pharma company Bharat Biotech is still waiting to be added to the World Health Organisation's Emergency Use!-->!-->!--post-info-->…