This story originally appeared on Atlas Obscura and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration."People don't come to Denali and other parks in Alaska to look…
Bat biologists like Dan Feller get excited every year for the summer field work season, a time to get out of the office and into the forest in search of…
It worked. They found that homes raised 1 meter high attracted 40 percent fewer mosquitoes. At 2 meters, it was 68 percent fewer, and at 3 meters, 84 percent…
Rose identified a second problem too: Deep water is becoming less clear because of a host of factors including erosion, algal growth, and fertilizer runoff…
This story originally appeared on Atlas Obscura and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration.For months the waters around Istanbul, Turkey, have been…
The environmental ethicist Katie McShane compares our reverence for species to the word freedom. Everyone believes in it, but nobody knows what it means.…
Eisenberg, who has spent her career studying wolves and bison, applies a combination of western science and traditional ecological knowledge, a field of…
This story originally appeared in High Country News and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration.The video shows clear river water washing over rocks as…