Hi, everyone. Another grim week. The plain truth is that we have got to stop selling weapons of war to random civilians.The Plain ViewIn 1727, 21-year-old…
Hey, everyone. Elon now doesn’t want to buy Twitter because it can’t count its bots. You’d think an AI guy like him would let the robots speak.The Plain…
Wow, my 401(k) is really taking a beating. Glad I put all that money into Bitcoin! Uhhhhh …The Plain ViewWeeks after introducing the iPhone in January 2007,…
When Jobs died, the big question surrounding Cook was whether he could nurture a product as groundbreaking as the iPod, the iPhone, or the iPad. In the…
Hey, everyone. Among the first signs of spring: a climate-change-induced increase in pollen and a rising new Covid variant. Can we have six more weeks of…
They decided that the project should be sited and built at the United States Postal Service, which not only had the national database of valid addresses, but…
These creatures are targeting tabletops. One of them will wheel up to a table and ponder for a few seconds to determine if people are seated; if so, it moves…
Hi, folks. So Facebook is changing its name? Sorry, Mark, Plaintext is taken. And apparently, so is “TRUTH Social.”The Plain ViewThis week Apple introduced a…