Social media platform Telegram has released a host of new features for its users. These include topics to organize discussions in large groups, a new form of collectible usernames, ability to convert video messages to text, and much more. Not all updates are available for Android and iOS users, as some features are exclusive to select operating system only. Here’s a look at new Telegram features
Topics in Groups
Telegram is rolling out Topics function for groups. Telegram groups with over 200 members can now enable topics and create separate spaces for subjects of their interest. The company says that Topics will function as individual chats within the group. Users will be able to share media and receive notifications as well.
The company says that this feature is intended specifically for large groups and brings new ways to customize chats and promote discussion. Topics can be created by Group admins in the Group Settings. Admins will also be able to control who is allowed to create and manage topics in Permissions.
Collectible Usernames
Telegram now allows its users to assign multiple collectible usernames to their accounts and public chats. This will be in addition to one basic username and is aimed to make it easy for others to contact them or find their public groups and channels via usernames.
Collectible usernames work just like basic @usernames, they appear in Global Search results and have their own links that can be used outside of Telegram: and The social media company says that ownership of collectible usernames is secured by TON. They can be bought and sold as well.
Collectible usernames can be less than 5 characters long – making it possible to get unique names like @news or @game. Users will be able to deactivate any of the collectible usernames – making them invisible in search results without losing the name.
Premium Voice-to-Text for Video Messages
Telegram Premium users will now be able to convert any voice to text – for video messages, offering an instant text transcript.
The update also adds 12 new emoji packs for Premium users. It also updates the Dark themes for iOS users, making colors more balanced with better blurring effects. Other changes coming to Telegram are resized text size on Android, minor design improvements and new reactions.
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