Last month, Twitter Blue officially launched in India at the price of Rs 900 per month on Android/iOS and Rs 650 per month on the web. Alongside India, a host of other countries also received access to the paid subscription on the same day. Given how close these two mass rollouts have been, the social media giant seems to be doubling down on bringing its subscription service to more and more people worldwide.
Countries where Twitter Blue is officially available
As mentioned on Twitter’s ‘Help Center’ page for Twitter Blue, the countries where the subscription has rolled out are United States, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, India, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia, Luxembourg, Malta, and Cyprus. The page adds that the company has “plans to expand” the service further.
Blue tick, edit tweet, and other Twitter Blue features
The recent mass rollout means that the Twitter users in these countries can now access certain ‘special’ features after paying the subscription fee. Besides the blue verification checkmark, certain content creation, appearance customisation, user experience, and visibility-related features are bundled in Twitter Blue.
For instance, creators having an active subscription can compose long-form tweets and upload longer videos. Moreover, they can edit or undo tweets among other things. Customisation features on offer range from changing the app theme to changing how the Twitter icon appears on the phone. Being a Twitter Blue subscriber also amplifies visibility of a user’s replies. Reading long threads and finding relevant articles on the platform also gets more convenient for subscribers due to ‘Reader’ and ‘Top articles’ features, respectively.
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