WhatsApp could soon bring its “Call Link” feature to Windows users. The app has been spotted testing this new feature with some beta testers in the latest WhatsApp beta for Windows 2.2307.1.0 update. The Call Link feature will let users create and send a link for a call to their contacts and invite them to join a video or an audio call. The feature was earlier rolled out to WhatsApp for Android. And now, it’s reportedly rolling out on the latest WhatsApp for Windows beta app.
According to a report by WhatsApp beta tracker WABetaInfo, the Meta-owned messaging service has started rolling out the ability to create and share a call link to the invitees of a video chat or audio call on the app. The feature is available for select beta testers in the latest WhatsApp beta for Windows 2.2307.1.0 update. WhatsApp users are required to download the latest version of the beta app from the Microsoft Store to access this feature.
The report also shared the screengrab of the abovementioned feature, showcasing an option to “Create a Call” Link under the Calls tab on WhatsApp. Users can tap on that and then select the call type i.e., video call or voice call. A link will be generated that users will need to share/copy and paste into the chats to invite the people to join the call.
Every call link will have a unique URL and only invitees will be able to join the call upon the users’ approval. It will become easier to invite people to join a WhatsApp call even when they are not on the contact list. Notably, users can share the call link outside of the app as well.
The Call Link feature is already available on WhatsApp for Android. WhatsApp rolled out the Call Link feature back in October 2022. The option to create a Call Link is available at the top of the Calls tab. Once created, the unique call link is valid for up to 90 days.
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