Instagramhas evolved from just being photo and video sharing platform. It now also let users create Reels, increase followers and also engage with their!-->…
Mark Zuckerberg, officially announced the new Broadcast Channel feature for Instagramvia an official blog post. For those unaware, the Broadcast Channel!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Amid all the chaos on your ever-changing Facebook and Instagram feed, Metawants you to pay not to fix your feed but for the blue badge, the one you see next!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Meta Verified subscription tier launched: here’s how much it will cost youMark Zuckerberg, Meta CEO, announced on Sunday the launch of a paid-tier for…
Facebook, the social network that was supposed to stay free "always," and its stablemate Instagram launched on Sunday a paid subscription service, as the…
Instagramis reportedly testing a new feature that enables users to comment on posts with animated images, or GIFs. Users can search for GIFs and pull them!-->…
WhatsApp for iOS is receiving an update that will allow iPhone owners to multitask on their phone while on a video call. Unlike the Android version of the…
Apple, the only Big Techcompany that avoided mass layoffs, has started laying off third-party contractors, a report has said, adding that firing contractors!-->!-->!-->…